Posted in Blog, descriptive, discover, earth, english, envionment, essay, filipino, friendly, love, non-fiction, Poem, poetry, quotation, Romance, short story, Story, tagalog


We were happy together. We got comfortable with each other that even flatulating, burfing, and munching loudly weren’t a big deal for us anymore. We were not getting turned off to whatever awkward deeds we were able to hear. We had struggles which we both got through and I wasn’t expecting us to break down.

Every single thing was like a calm sea that brought wild waves in an unexpected time; and all I could just remember was the roaring of sweet words and ‘I love you’s….until the deafening silence had shouted to my ears—not to yours I must think. Ut was like the sun that brights shine until heavy rain had fallen. I got wet but the water that my clothes sucked burden me. The rain stopped. I looked up above the gloomy heavens–expecting a rainbow to shape in arc. But it was sunlight that brightened me up and my shirt was dried anew.

Posted in Blog, love, Poem, poetry, quotation, Romance, short story, Story, Uncategorized


​I’m hesitant;

I hesitate,

I doubt;

I’m not sure.

I worry;

I’m afraid.

Once I’ve done it,

I’ll just regret.

‘Cause I can’t be the best of me.

I have nothing to be proud of;

neither they do.

Oh, I forgot, I doubt it again.

© ReymbowNarrow